Legislator Wants to Take Homeschool Law Back to the ‘Dark Ages’!
Nebraska homeschoolers are facing the most serious attack in decades from legislation proposed by Senator DiAnna Schimek. Nebraska’s current law was drafted and passed in the early 1980s after Nebraska was embarrassed nationally for harsh treatment of homeschooling parents, including the jailing of pastors and fathers, and with mothers and children fleeing to other states. During a rally by homeschoolers at the state capitol last year, Senator Schimek was heard to say, “We don't know what these homeschoolers are doing. They really need to be monitored.” She is making good on her concern about not knowing what homeschoolers are up to in the form of L.B.1141.
The bill would do among the following:
- Impose mandatory annual testing and assessment requirements.
- Grant the Nebraska Department of Education ("NDE") approval authority.
- Require first-time homeschooled children to take a “baseline” test allowing the Department to determine whether or not “progress has been achieved.”
rest of the article can be found here... http://www.hslda.org/hs/state/ne/200801290.asp
I find it simply amazing, considering how GREAT the public school system has been working so far that these legislatures take so time worrying about this sort of micro managing of homeschooling families!!!
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